Tuesday, November 4, 2014

100 word challenge ...as it shivered, they...

The Eiffel Tower stood in its normal place, towering above everything else in existence. Golden lights and carefully placed black and white lights cover the majority of the French icon. A family walk under the Eiffel Tower for their daily walk at night. A strong breeze past through the city, leaving the family cold. A furry, grey rat ran quickly along the pavement, slightly pausing in the middle and slightly wavered, showing it was cold. As it shivered, they started walking home seeing as there was no hope of staying warm and dry. The family walked slowly home shivering frantically.

1 comment:

  1. I see that you have had a number of visitors to your blog Jessica!! Excellent. A very well written paragraph. Maybe you could think about varying your sentence structure and adding sentences to create an effect? You really have created atmosphere.
